National Inclusion Project wins
Christie Cookie Charity Challenge
$10,000 top prize!!
The Champions Gala was a great success, how wonderful for Clay and the Children!!
Photos thanks to Starfishy2000.
Blogs with details of the Gala are Carolina On My Mind
-- see them at these links OR at the links at the end of this entry. Woo-hoo!!
Many excited Clay Aiken fans attended the Champions Gala in Raleigh, NC this weekend. They invaded from Canada, New Zealand and all across the U.S. Many more of us around the world were glued to our computers watching for updates and tidbits from the Gala, thanks to the dear folks attending and sharing via texting, etc. Gotta love the internet highway!
The list of auction items this year was better than ever, to raise dollars for the kids camps!
2009 Champions Gala auction samples.
These beautiful items are mostly fan donations for the cause. The main list is amazing!
See all the benefit auction items here:
ACA's beautiful graphic added, just because it's beautiful!
Time for puzzles from Bsrefong :)
answer to rebus in clickable at end of blog.
Thank you to everyone for all the work gathering votes for
the Christie Cookie Charity Giveaway Challenge .
Congratulations to National Inclusion Project, Raleigh NC!!

Halloween will soon be here.

rebus7 solution

Check out these blogs and others at the blog listings!
ClayColumbia's site is in Spanish, she has a translator installed that works great, thanks Rossy.
ClayColumbia Clay Aiken blogspot
Clay Aiken News Network
Carolina On My Mind-CarolinaClays blog
Congratulations to National Inclusion Project, Raleigh NC!!
Halloween will soon be here.
rebus7 solution
Check out these blogs and others at the blog listings!
ClayColumbia's site is in Spanish, she has a translator installed that works great, thanks Rossy.
Hi Joane, thanks for your blog. I'm excited about the Gala. Really I miss CLAY.
Nice blog, wonderful pics! Always interesting and enjoyed it allot! Hope all going have a blast at the Gala. Enjoyed your blog !! We will wait for clack,now...:) A Clay music fan, Donna in wi.
Thank you for a wonderful blog about the Champions Gala, National Inclusion Project, and Clay Aiken. Love the display of auction items!
Many thnx for the Carolina visits. Have a great weekend!
The items up for auction are so lovely . Should I mortgage my house or cash in my retirement account and go for them ?
At any rate I'll be anxiously waiting for Clack of the Gala . I hope it will be a grand success for The Project
Wow the opening photos are stunning!
It's going to be an amazing evening tomorrow night at the Gala. So wish I could be there!! Can't wait to find out what Clay is singing!
Thanks Ashes! This blog is great!
So much good information, pics and graphics. I'm really excited about the Gala even though I couldn't attend. The internet is so wonderful because we won't have to just imagine. We get to be a part!
Hi Ashes,
Awesome Blog!!!!
A photo slide, graphics, etc, and new puzzles by SallyRox are wonderful. The puzzles are copied and ready to do tomorrow.
I can't wait to hear what there is store for us.....Wish I were in Raleigh, can you just picture the excitment going on there this weekend.
Have a great weekend.....and enjoy the nice Fall weather with no snow! Yeah!!
Fantastic blog Ashes! I am sooooooooo excited for the gala tonight I can't stand it!!!! I wish we were all there!!!
That is such exciting news. I'm so glad I didn't have to wait for tomorrow to get the contest results. We did it, we really did it. I hope Clay appreciates all of us. Nobody has better fans than he does.
Hi Ashes,
WOW! I really love this awesome blog. It's got everything that I want to see and read about. So happy that NIP won the top prize. Yay! Thanks for the auction item list too. How I wish I'm attending :( least we've got clack...looking forward.
Hi Joanne, I really like your new graphics. I'm happy for the success of the gala and to hear and see my CLAY
I could not be in international chat today ... Just now I have a moment.
I leave you a message to all the reasons why I could not attend. Sorry
Love your blog as always. thank you.
Great blog and thanks so much for featuring the highlights of last night's gala event. So exciting to see the photos and watch the videos especially hearing Clay sing "Moon River". Brought so much memories and tears.
Love also your graphic featured in your blog.
Cheers Ashes!
Great Gala updates in your blog and a very wise decision -- you kept your place on Google! *g*
I'm sure everyone is enjoying the clack of Clay Aiken's performance. I sent Sally mp3's of MR and MEAY, which are on automatic replay.
Thnx for the comments/retweets. Have a super week!
The Christie Cookie win was another wonderful accomplishment for Clay Aiken and his National Inclusion Project. The fans worked hard on this one. How great that it was completed in time for NIP to be recognized at the Gala!!
great pictures!
We couldn't be at the Gala, but for some reason, I feel we were a big part of it, and that's because of winning the cookie contest for Clay. I hope he knows it was our gift to him.
Starfishy took a great picture of Clay. Glad you used it.
Hugs, Lois
I loved the Gala, I loved Clay's banter, his singing, and the fact that his wonderful foundations raised so much money for their cause.
In short, I guess I just love Clay Aiken!!!
Ashes.....WOW!! This is impressive. Everything is so beautiful and we still get lots of news.
Thank you for this wonderful blog!
Concert Clay, altruistic Clay. Love them both and your beautiful blog.
The gala was wonderful. Clay Aiken develops a wonderful job with his foundation, I am happy with the results of the Gala.
As always, wonderful blog Ashes!! Thank you!
Had a great time at the gala and am very proud of the project's accomplishments so far. Truly hope there will be many more accomplishments over many more years.
Those picture just keep reminding me that Clay Aiken is one funny, talented, compassionate hot hunk.
Fabulous blog about Clay Aiken and the National Inclusion Project Gala.
Clay Aiken has always been a humanitarian...but now his foundation is just doing so well....and it's the kids that are benefiting from all of this..... I could not be prouder of Clay if I tried....An honourable man.... After only a few days after his grandfather's passing, Clay and his family still carried on.... His fans were thrilled to see and hear him again, after such a long time, but still healing from the surgery>..he is coming along nicely..his voice is just wonderful.... Hugs, Judy
Congratulations to Clay Aiken and the National Inclusion Project!
the Champions Gala was a success. Thanks Clay Aiken for everything you do for people in need.
What a terrific blog! I wasn't fortunate enough to be able to attend the Gala, but thrilled for those who did.
Clay and Diane can be very proud of their accomplishments.
The Gala was wonderful. I was so impressed by Diane Bubel's comments on the accomplishments. How great is it that the Kennedy foundation is using NIP's Let's All Play as a model, calling it "genius".
Love your blog and the info about the Gala. Clay Aiken and Diane Bubel have accomplished so much.
I'm so proud of Clay Aiken and his fans as they have really promoted the National Inclusion Project.
How exciting is was to win the Christie Cookie award for the National Inclusion Project. Diane and Clay have worked very hard for this and Clay Aiken's fans have, too.
I'm so proud of Clay Aiken I could just burst. Love him I do.
The Gala for the NIP has become a very successful fundraising tool, plus a great way for Clayfriends to meet.
Thanks for the great Gala blog. Clay Aiken did a great job on the Gala.
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