photo by PermaSwooned
The other day while browing my video archives I found the videos for Clay Aiken's first concert tour in 2003.
Hope you enjoy watching this as much as I do :)
Clay Aiken Can You Feel the Love Tonight
Clay rocks the stage in Wilkes Barre 2003.
Can You Feel the Love Tonight, Invisible, This Is The Night
Since the YT thing removed the montage, here's a download for you :)
clickable banner
Vote at the
Click on the Christie Cookie Charity Giveaway banner at the site.
Click on the drop down menu to see the list of charities.
Each legitimate U.S. e-mail address will be accepted as a vote.
The winner and runner-up will be awarded $10,000 and $5,000, respectively, with the next 10 charities receiving $1,000 each. Contest ends Oct. 15.
link to:

When nothing seems to help, I look at a stonecutter hammering away at his rock, perhaps 100 times without as much as a crack showing in it. Yet, at the 101st blow it will split in two, and I know that it was not that last blow that did it, but all that had gone before.

Be sure to watch this right to the end!!
Clay Aiken I Want to Know What Love Is
with Quiana and Angela SRHP Concert tour - Orlando 2007
video by "unknown"
Clay Aiken I Want to Know What Love Is

photos in collage by PermaSwooned

When nothing seems to help, I look at a stonecutter hammering away at his rock, perhaps 100 times without as much as a crack showing in it. Yet, at the 101st blow it will split in two, and I know that it was not that last blow that did it, but all that had gone before.
Be sure to watch this right to the end!!
Clay Aiken I Want to Know What Love Is
with Quiana and Angela SRHP Concert tour - Orlando 2007
video by "unknown"
photos in collage by PermaSwooned
Thank you for this super welcome to October. love the videos, never saw the 2003 ones before.
Wonderful blog, as always. Thanks, Ashes. I love your work!
Ok your fault I didn't get much done this a.m....had to keep watching videos...beautiful fall backgrd and loved it all...good job! Thank you! ~A Clay music fan, Donna in Wi.
More Clay Aiken autumn splendor! Thank you for a beautiful blog, visually and musically.
Go, Clay Nation, in voting for the National Inclusion Project in the charity giveaway!
Thank you for your kind remarks in the Carolina blog. Have a great weekend!
Thank you so much, ashes! You always provide such amazing videos at your blog! Now that my favorite season is approaching, what better way to spend some time than with a few Clay Aiken memories!!
I love the video of clay and Quiana. I think it was one of the funniest parts of the whole tour. So glad I could watch it again.
hugs, Lois
Wppw ! Terrific blog! I fixed my comments on the Claymania blog. Take care & God bless . Love always, Cynthia
Thanks you Ashes for all the Clay goodies. I love Fall and I love Clay Aiken so what better way to celebrate both! :-)
Thanks Ashes! Fall is my favorite season! My fall leaves on my trees don't have Clay in the center,BUT...You fixed that for me! I love IWTKWLI and they do it so well! Your blog is super!!
Ashes, another AWESOME Blog!! I loved the video of Clay and Quiana...Thanks for the memories. Sure made me smile.
Speaking of Smiling, your blends always put a BIG smile on my face.
Have a great friday....
Oh thankyou, thankyou, THANKYOU Ashes for that wonderful Wilkes Barre compilation! Yes, great minds! heh
I've never seen that one. Awesome!
Welcome autumn! Leaves are falling in Georgia, but everything is still green...such a difference from Canada. Thanks for the beautiful reminder of seasons and the seasons of our lives. luv B
Wonderful blog!
always a pleasure visiting here.
Lovely fall color plus handsomeness all over the place . Does my heart good .
Hope you are feeling better , Ashes .
Hi Ashes,
I love your reminds me of my backyard right now! lol
Just has to look at "I Want To Know What Love Is," again! Love It!!
:-0 how did I miss this? Too much farming (bad Sue). I guess that's what happens when Clay goes on vacation LOL!!!
Thanks for the beautiful blog Ashes - Love Clay and the girls singing IWKWLI. They were SO MUCH FUN!!!
Beautiful Clay Aiken blog!! So much to see....could spend hours over here!
Im not sure if my first comment "took", so Ill post again. Thanks for such a beautiful Clay welcome to October and fall season. Great videos
Perma takes such amazing pictures. Thank you for your blog Ashes!
This is exciting times for Clay Aiken fans and his National Inclusion Project.
I love Clay!
Stopping back in for another look at the beautiful Clay Aiken pics and videos!
Great Clay Aiken blog. Thank you for all your dedication and work in putting together such wonderful blogs.
I love watching Clay Aiken videos. I sit here with a stupid smile on my face. Love your blog Ashes.
I love your creativity, Ashes. Thanks for another great blog!
Ashes, you just keep out going yourself. I love all the photos, poems and videos you have posted. I am amazed by all the talent on these blogs.
One of my all time favorite videos, "I Want To Know What Love Is". A Combination of spectacular singing and a little comedy at the same time!
Always puts a smile on face!
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