New years come and new years go,
Pieces of time all in a row.
As we live our life, each second and minute,
We know we’re privileged to have you in it.
Our appreciation never ends
For our greatest blessings: our family and friends.
Happy New Year!
author unknown
What Are You Doing New Year's Eve..Clay Aiken
What a Christmas this has been! It has been very exciting and special for me..for the first time in 20 years or so my family was together..awesome! We all gathered at my eldest son's house for an amazing Christmas Day and a fabulous turkey supper.
The days since have been busy for me too, a whole lot of excitement for this gal..and tiring, LOL.
Here's to another meeting of the clan..with more special family members joining in.
One thing I HAD to do each day was listen to the beautiful music of Clay Aiken! Dare I wish for a family member or two to surprise me by wanting to join me? Maybe next year!
Clay Aiken on Geraldo Rivera, "The Waiting List"
A Must see Interview
Clay Aiken on Geraldo Rivera, "The Waiting List"
Visit Carolina On My Mind blog for a wonderful write up on Clay's work for Inclusion