It was five years ago today when I discovered the joy of Clay Aiken via the internet. Like so many I was shocked at the 2003 results, and cried my eyes out. Then I got brave and searched for 'Clay Aiken' hoping to find something about him…and WOW my eyes nearly popped out at all I found!
So began my journey with Clay, the message boards and making so many new great friends.
He's Still the One for me.
One of my favourite things is browsing through photo albums. Let's browse together.

Still the One

He will be back! (I adore these photos, how can you tell, LOL)

All Man


Unforgettable memory

Catch a Falling Star - revisited
Thanks to BigAppleforClay; ClayLily; Gerwhisp & Unknown for the photos.

Video time
Beautiful by Debs33
SRHP revisited Yollie950
Thoughtful words
Everyone has beauty
But not everyone sees it.

Please keep streaming and searching for Clay and On My Way Here. The links at the bottom of my page for Carolina On My Mind; Clay's Daily Double and The Ideal Idol are great places to get tons of great links and information.
Here is one of the best, informative and positive pages I've read. A must read for all.
Clay Aiken's "On My Way Here" - Measuring The Gap Between the Critics and The Truth--
Thank you one and all for visiting. Have fun!

1 comment:
Hi Joan,
I just have to let you know that our family radio station here in Ottawa is going to start playing Clay. The Music/Program director at the station sent Anita this reply after she requested a song by Clay:
...With the release of his new record I've made the decision to officially start playing Clay on CHRI (for the first time ever) so you should be hearing a lot more of him in the coming months!"
Needless to say we are so excited! It's not a mainstream radio station but a family/Christian one, but it has a lot of listeners and am so excited that they will get the chance to listen to Clay's beautiful voice.
Here is the link:
Hope all is well with you and have a wonderful weekend!
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