Being a romantic at heart, one of my first impressions of Clay was his voice touches my soul. That feeling only grew with every passing week--that young man had "IT". Clay, of course keeps confirming that year after year in everything he does, with his look, his smile and his voice. Clay is so unique the way he portrays so many kinds of love. Romance being only one of them.
The recent photos of his JNAT tour and the Raleigh Gala fit so beautifully with the language of love music on his album of
Music has been telling stories and expressing emotions for many hundreds of years. After a little internet research, I was amazed at the amount of information on the history of music--most of it was over my head! My musical experience is on the listening end of it. Anyway, here is a small bit from one of the articles I found. It's about Classical music, but our popular music today has it's roots back to the classics in most cases.
Among the Romantic Period composers were Brahms, Liszt, Schumann, and Chopin. My first love is the appearance of Johann Strauss II-The Waltz King,(1825-1899) in the later years of the era. I hear The Blue Danube and I'm toast!
(thanks CarolinaClay for reminding me of this *g*
The bolding of some words is mine...they are ones I'd say describe Clay's music to me.
History of Music
Medieval (476 – 1400)
Renaissance (1400 – 1600)
Baroque (1600 – 1760)
Classical (1730 – 1820)
Romantic (1815 – 1910)
20th century (1900 – 2000)
Contemporary classical music (1975 – present)
The era of Romantic music is defined as the period of European classical music that runs roughly from the early 1800s to the first decade of the 20th century, as well as music written according to the norms and styles of that period. The Romantic period was preceded by the classical period, and was followed by the modern period.
The Romanticism movement held that not all truth could be deduced from axioms, that there were inescapable realities in the world which could only be reached through emotion, feeling and intuition.
The vernacular use of the term romantic music applies to music which is thought to evoke a soft or dreamy atmosphere. This usage is rooted in the connotations of the word "romantic" that were established during the period, but not all "Romantic" pieces fit this description. Conversely, music that is "romantic" in the modern everyday usage of the word (that is, relating to the emotion of love) is not necessarily linked to the Romantic period.
How about a tea break
Photographs of Clay are thanks to Invisible926; Butterflyshine; Ztilb; and ClayizzaQT
Thank you for taking the time to dream a little dream with me.
A thought to leave you with.
If you start your day with these four questions, you'll make every day a more productive day---
- What's the best thing that can happen today?
- What's the worst thing that can happen today?
- What can I do today to make sure that the best thing does happen?
- What can I do today to make sure that the worst thing doesn't happen?