Clay Aiken fans are spreading the word about Inclusion Project fundraisers happening now until Christmas.

graphic by LoveClaysVoice
One of the projects is America's Giving Challenge. Clay Aiken fans across the Nation are having a major drive for the weekend of Oct. 30/31.
This is all treats--no tricks!
Here are the details for the America's Giving Challenge as well as another
popular fundraiser - Deck the Halls.
Trick or Treat for National Inclusion Project Oct. 30-31
w/ donation to (link) America's Giving Challenge
This fundraiser offers two ways to win - a daily win, and a contest win.
The daily win is based on number of unique donations per day between 3:00 pm and 2:59 pm.
What is a unique donation you ask...that means one donation per person per day is counted towards that day's total number of donations!
The minimum donation is $10.00.
If you plan to donate more than $10.00, it would be best to spread it out over different days instead of all at once, as it would mean a vote for each day that you donate, and help us to win more of the daily challenges.
You can donate either through Facebook ... or without Facebook.
You don't have to be a Facebook member to donate!
-- go to:
and click the National Inclusion Project on the page,
their page will open and you can donate there,
you can use this direct link to the National Inclusion Project for America's giving challenge at:
and press the green "donate" and there will be an option
to "connect with Facebook" or "Donate without Facebook"
America's Giving Challenge
America’s Giving Challenge, also referred to as the “Giving Challenge” or just the “Challenge,” is a 30-day national competition that encourages people to leverage their personal networks and online social media to help win cash awards that will total $170,000 on behalf of their favorite nonprofit. Participants in America’s Giving Challenge will compete for daily and overall cash awards based on the number of donations generated for a cause, not dollars raised. Awards will be given to the nonprofit beneficiaries of the causes that garner the highest number of unique daily donations* between 3:00 p.m. EDT October 7,2009, and 2:59pm EST on November 6, 2009.
$50,000 will be awarded to the cause with the highest total number of unique daily donations over the 30 days of the Challenge. $25,000 will be awarded to the cause with the next highest total number of unique daily donations over the 30 days of the Challenge. $10,000 will be awarded to the next five causes with the highest total number of unique daily donations over the 30 days of the Challenge. There will also be two daily awards every day of the Challenge: $1,000 to the cause with the most unique donations that day and $500 to the cause with the second highest number of unique donations that day. (Daily awards begin at 3:00pm ET and run through 2:59pm ET the following day.)
Do your Christmas/Holiday shopping and now -- support
the National Inclusion Project at the same time.
Let's ALL Deck the Halls for Inclusion!
October 16 to November 16, 2009
a few samples of what's in the catalogue - something for everyone
Support the National Inclusion Project's mission of inclusion for children of ALL abilities while decorating homes and offices with beautiful, handmade Rockdale wreaths and other natural items this holiday season! Wreaths also make wonderful gifts for family and friends.
The National Inclusion Project will receive $9 per item for individual orders and $13 per item for bulk orders (8 wreaths shipped to a single address). Bulk orders also save the purchaser $5 per wreath on purchase price.
Purchases must be made from the Project's exclusive Rockdale Wreaths store in order for the National Inclusion Project to receive funds:
Buyer may designate any participating Beta Alpha chapter to receive credit for purchases by including the chapter name in the comment space provided on the order page.
Deadline for online orders is Monday, November 16, 2009.
Deadline for ordering locally from Beta Alpha chapters is Monday November 9, 2009.
Prices include shipping & handling and the buyer may also select a preferred shipping date.
Please help by purchasing a wreath or two or even ten, this holiday season.
Collect orders from your friends.
Share the gift of inclusion. Inclusion works, and it is a gift worth giving.
This is an authorized fundraiser of the National Inclusion Project.
A treat for you!
Homenaje a Clay Aiken - Solo soy un ser humano
Great Gala video here with a perfect Clay song - Measure of A Man, and an awesome ending :)
See more information on fundraisers at:
check out the full blog list at the bottom of the page.
Thanks Ashes for another great blog!!! Love all the blends and video!
Most of all, I'm excited about the Trick or Treat for Inclusion!! Clay Aiken, Diane Bubel and the entire team at National Inclusion Project have done good. They've created an extremely worthwhile foundation.
Thanks again!
Thank you Ashes for spreading the word about the Trick or Treat for National Inclusion Project! Hopefully the Clay Nation can band together and make a difference!
Thank you for the wonderful graphics and the publicity for the Trick or Treat/Deck the Halls for Inclusion projects! Fans are happy to do whatever is needed for the charity work of Clay Aiken.
Many thnx for the links, comment, retweets, etc., for the Carolina blog. Have a great week!
Thanks for a great and timely blog. I know I will be Trick and Treating for our guy.
Wonderful blog, you keep Us informed and thankful for that! Enjoyed the video, and all Thanks !! Donna in WI.
Such wonderful challenges and shopping coming up to help the National Inclusion Project! After witnessing first hand what the National Inclusion Project has accomplished, what their mission is and what they hope to accomplish in the future, it will be my mission to help them make it there. This is an idea that was born to Clay and he has taken this baby and transformed it into something so much higher than I am sure he never visualized. | am so proud of him!
Thanks Joan for this wonderful blog, and information on Trick or Treat for National Inclusion Project Oct. 30-31. I hope all fans to participate for this good cause.
Thanks for posting my video tribute to Clay.
Hi Ashes,
Beautiful blog!! Wow, I love it all!
Thank You for keeping us up to date on what is happing. I'm really excited about the Trick or Treat for the National Inclusion Project.
Your graphics are AWESOME!!
Hope you had a great weekend.
Big Hugs,
I see the word is going out to the Clay Nation about Trick or Treat plans for The Project . The details are very clear and it is a great idea to concentrate on those two days .
Lovely blog as always . The Clay Colombia montage was very moving . I loved it . So many powerful memories !
I hope your week will be all Treats and no tricks .
It is always a treat to visit here. I love the so many of us are supporting the Trick or Treat campaign. Thank you for posting all the information.
Clay Aiken is lucky to have you as a fan and supporter!!
Wow, you are like a ambassador for Clay! What a ton of information you have given us all. Thanks for putting it all together in a readable form, for those of us who don't have time to search! luv B
wow. you have a pretty blog. I'm not on the internet very often and had no idea Clay was so busy.
Good news to read there will be a new record, hope I find out about it this time.
Thanks for the great blog and for spreading the word about the Trick or Treat for National Inclusion Project. Clay Aiken is an inspiration to many!
Hi Joan. Thank you very much for bring this to your blog. Everything that we can do is not enough!!. Beautiful blog!!
Joan thank you also for put the Claycolombia video. It was great!! I loved it!! So emotional.
Thanks for spreading the word about Clay Aiken and the National Inclusion Project!
Clay is wonderful.
Great blog, I am so happy that you have put all the info about the giving challenge. And you always have great pictures of Clay Aiken.
I will participate in the trick of threat campaign for the National Inclusion Project.
YAY US!! We're doing GREAT on America's Giving Challenge!!!
Thanks for the blog Ashes!!
Hi Ashes,
Yeah for the updates! Wow we are doing awesome!!!
Love the spinning cube....was that there before??????
Weather here is terrible....not cold 64F, but clummy, misty and damp.
Big Hug,
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